Always Be Able To Ask For Help

With my MS one thing that is essential. I am always able to ask for help.

Image courtesy of Simon Howden/FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

Image courtesy of Simon Howden FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

I run out of steam

Only too often I used to start a job such as cooking supper or mowing the lawn and half way through I would find I had run out of energy. I needed some else to step in and help.

Learn lessons the hard way

I have had to learn two lessons and neither of them have come easily to me. Firstly the ability to pace myself and second is the knowledge that some one will help me before I reach crisis point. I will be the first to admit that I have had to learn both lessons the hard way.

Take basic precautions

Gone are the days when I could leave it all to the last minute. If I tried that now it would be a disaster. These days even some simple tasks are much better done by someone else, such as carrying a cup of coffee upstairs.

It does feel wrong, an admission of my weakness, but in the long run it is much better that I do take basic precautions. Anyone who has a physical disability must face up to these problems. You are doing yourself a favour if you accept help.

I relax in a comfortable arm-chair

I do not suffer from MS-fatigue so it is much easier for me to know what I am capable of doing. Those of you that shut down because of fatigue are in a more difficult position. When I do too much then my double vision kicks in, my balance deteriorates and everything becomes much more difficult. I have to get the weight off my feet for about an hour. I chill-out in a comfortable arm-chair, relax, switch off and close my eyes.

MS Fatigue

This problem is unique to multiple sclerosis. It can make it much more difficult to plan out your daily activities. If you suffer from fatigue then it is even more important that there is someone who can step in. Someone you can trust to be your backup team and be there to give you help.

If you suffer from MS then a support team is essential.

People will always help at moments of a crisis. Don’t try to be a hero, ask for help to find solutions at the first sign of trouble.

Do you have friends, a partner or spouse who can step in and take over the reins when it gets to be too much effort. If not then maybe you ought to find someone who could help in an emergncy?

Associated articles

Managing day-to-day life with multiple sclerosis is the first article in this short series of articles to help you to organize your life, Manage your life and depression is the next article. The previous one is Make time for exercise

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