Welcome to my multiple sclerosis stories
My life with MS and a pinch of salt. Yes its a progressive physical disability
Its full of ups, downs and falls
Here are some of my multiple sclerosis stores. Enjoy them.
ย Just to Let You Know
Daily life for me with advanced MS is not easy. The symptoms I struggle with on a daily basis are too numerous to describe. The most obvious one; I cannot walk unaided. I also have numerous hidden disabilities but I won’t go into those. Life goes on. I keep myself busy with a radio show, social media and helping student nurses. These are my multiple sclerosisย stories
I’m officially retired

Epic clouds over Te Anau lake
I was medically retired but it does not bother me anymore. I wanted to work when medical retirement happened in 2012 but there were too many obstacles so I started this. Over the years I have become more and more disabled and now a regular job would be impossible. Instead I’ve also got my fingers in lots of other pies but less said about that the better. I will always give things a go, maybe that’s why this website exists.
There are plenty of other blogs out there. Some are funnier than this one ๐ some are not as funny ๐ some might even make you want to slit your throat ๐ ๐ and finally there is this one ๐ ๐ . I want this website to be a positive experience with short snappy blogs.
My multiple sclerosis stories
Please don’t be disappointed. I have plenty of grey hairs and I’m still learning social media and websites. I used to be a computer geek but it was all old fashioned green screen stuff. Many many moons ago I failed English Literature ‘O’ level and only just passed my English Language ‘O’ level. Its really obvious. Nonetheless I hope this website will help you now, perhaps later today, tomorrow or maybe even next week.
Advert free zone
I do not have any adverts on this website. There are no irritating pop-ups, yes they really do annoy me. So why not sign up to receive an email, usually once a week. Just go to SIGN UP.
Black no sugar
I drink weak black tea and I do not put milk into my coffee. Incidentally I also failed Latin ‘O’ Level but so what. Aid4disabled is all about my journey with MS since medical retirement. Enjoy the ride and welcome to Aid4disabled.
This website
There are menu tabs to click that will take you to different parts of the website. Some of the tabs have a drop-down menu with more options. I’m also stumbling across lots of silly technical errors. They have crept in over the years as this website is developed. I am on the case but it will take a while to fix them so please be patient.