The Highwayman in Berkhamsted

The Highwayman in Berkhamsted used to be a Blanc Brasserie restaurant, it catered for people who use a wheelchair admirably. There was a good disabled loo at pavement level. The dining area is over half a dozen steps lower than the entrance but there was a lift for wheelchair users to get to the dining […]
Life without a FES would be unthinkable

I have SPMS and seriously disabled with foot drop. I was fitted with a Functional Electrical Stimulator (FES) in December 2014. A consultant from Queens Square, London suggested that it would help my walking. At first I found it very fiddly to setup and this did not inspire me with confidence. Within a few days […]
Swimming is proper exercise

At hydrotherapy I had unexpectedly found myself swimming doggy paddle. Suddenly I realise swimming is proper exercise. There is no fear of falling over. It uses so many muscles. It is healthy exercise and no fear of falling over, call it a water workout. Feeling exhilarated by the thought of swimming a few strokes I […]
Repairing my rotator cuff

Repairing my rotator cuff was my operation in August 2014. Its now December 2015, that was more than 15 months ago. My shoulder now has a full range of movement but no strength when lifting my arm up to the horizontal position. I assumed this would to be my misfortune for the rest of my […]
Were There Any Benefits Doing The MS Mile?

Were the any benefits walking the MS mile? Definitely! On the 9th September I walked the MS mile. Definitely YES 🙂 I raised just over £ 1,700 for the Chilterns MS Therapy Centre I proved to myself I could walk three quarters of a mile even with a rollator :-)) Taking exercise on a regular basis, […]
Game Using Only Dice And No Board

Think of a game using only dice and no board, they are few and far between. Here is a game using only dice and no board. It is a classic South American variation of liar dice. Its called Perudo. An exciting dice game of skill and luck. This is a game of bluff Knowing the odds certainly helps. […]
Long handled Leaf Collector

Use the Long Handled Lead Collector to keep the lawn and patio clear of fallen leaves and you will not even need to bend over. The two large plastic grabbers It makes collecting fallen leaves, cut grass and other garden debris easy. The design of the two large flat scoops makes the removal of garden rubbish so […]
One Way Flextendable Drinking Straws

One Way Flextendable Drinking Straws This is a pack of 15 flexible drinking straws, they can be made longer and have a one-way valve. One Way Flextendable Drinking Straws These long flexible drinking straws have one big advantage, the liquid stays in the straw when you stop sucking. There is a valve in the base which […]
High Vision Reading Light for the Desk

The Desktop Reading Light is a high vision reading light, ideal for the desktop. The flicker free bulbs create a near daylight effect. This means it makes reading easier especially if your sight is not perfect or you are visually impaired. The strong glare-free clear light allows you to read and concentrate for longer. If […]
Bananagrams Game

Bananagrams game is a fast and fun word game that is easy to play. No need for a board, pencil or paper just a small flat space big enough to build up a cross word of the letters. Ideally Bananagrams game is for two people but more can play. It is an immensely enjoyable game of words. Educational […]
Now Its My Turn To Walk the MS Mile

After several weeks of training the big day arrived. 12 September, now it’s my turn to walk the MS Mile. Getting there My training was walking 100 yard lengths with my Rollator. I felt huge benefits from the exercise, I feel more positive and my balance is now so much better. I am now walking distances […]
PURElite 3 in 1 Magnifying Lamp

PURElite 3 in 1 Magnifying Lamp can be used as a floor lamp, a table lamp or a clip-on lamp. The bulbs of the multipurpose lamp create a near daylight effect. This makes them excellent for reading and as a study light. It offers natural light as well as magnification. And best of all, long […]
Walk the MS Mile. Video, Good Exercise For Me

Good exercise is something we all need to do. It gets those muscles working and it also makes me feel a whole lot better in mind and body. Since I signed up for the ‘Walk the MS Mile’ for the Chilterns MS Centre I have gone out nearly every day with my rollator pushing myself […]
A Short Video – Me and My SPMS

Below is a short video of me taken recently after a networking meeting. To watch the video click on the picture I know full well that after a diagnosis of MS you may well feel shell shocked, devastated, depressed or even as if the world around you has collapsed. Despite the diagnosis MS […]
At Night I Can’t Just Fall Into Bed

It’s the evening, I’m tired and its bedtime but at night I can’t just fall into bed. I have to go through a ritual every evening before I can get into bed and start reading my book. Getting undressed and removing my FES is quite a palaver. If I do this standing up I’m guaranteed to […]
Training for ‘Walk the MS Mile’

I’m now training every evening. Getting fitter so I can walk the ‘MS Mile’. Training time Every evening at about 5 o’clock I’m out training, doing a walk with my rollator. I increase the distance every few days. D Day is Saturday 12 September and takeoff is at 11.00 outside M & S in Berkhamsted […]
Aidapt Wood Button Hook or Zipper

The Aidapt Wood Button Hook or Zipper is a handy device for doing-up buttons and pulling a zip up or down. Its easy to use, there is a loop at one end for buttons and a hook at the other for zips. The button loop simply passes through the button hole and clips around the button which […]
Walk the MS Mile 2015

On 12 September 2015 I will be walking 1,760 yards or 1 mile, to help the Chilterns MS Centre celebrate its 30th birthday. The Challenge Maybe you don’t think that is very far; for me it is one heck of a challenge. I have always liked a challenge, I’m definitely up for this one. The […]
Drop Foot And The FES

It’s now August 2015, time to think about my drop foot and the FES ; I have been using a Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) to help me walk since December 2014 that is 9 months. It is a dual channel FES. I cannot lift the toes or front of my left foot off the ground. I cannot […]
TGA Launches Lighter Mobility Scooter

Building on the nationwide popularity of the Minimo range of folding mobility scooters, TGA launches a lighter mobility scooter the Minimo Plus for even greater levels of independence and transportablity. This latest version of the Minimo Plus is easier to lift, provides an upgraded driving experience and delivers additional safety. Its advanced lightweight design combines the compact […]
Non Slip Outdoor Step

The Non Slip Outdoor Step is is a practical and clever idea. It instantly reduces the height of a step. The non slip outdoor step is ideal for giving you that little bit of added help when tackling large doorsteps. Its allowing you to take two smaller steps rather than struggling with one large step. All […]
Should A Mobility Scooter Be Insured?

Sould a mobility scooter be insured? The simple answer is yes but it is not a legal requirement. Always check your insurance, sometimes household insurance can be sufficient. There have been a small number of cases where uninsured people have lost their homes after being sued for negligence after injuring people with their scooter. Don’t let it […]
Good Days and Bad Days

Its only started over the last few days. It’s a return to the old times of good days and bad days. What’s happened? I am still just as busy. I am still doing things that I enjoy. Some of the things I do even earn me a bit if money. One small thing has changed […]
Wood and Fabric Hand Fan

Swish a Black Wood and Fabric Hand Fan gently in front of your face; it creates a gentle breeze that will make you feel cooler. Elegant solution Using a Black Wood and Fabric Hand Fan exudes an elegant style so you keep cool while everyone else is getting too hot. I think a folding fan is an excellent […]
Do Hospital Gardens Aid Recovery?

Hospital gardens can help patients with recovery. They will spend less time in hospital. A garden provides access to active exercise and can instill a desire to live My experience in 2009 I was working in Hamburg when I fell over, cracked two ribs and punctured a lung. After the operation to insert a tube to […]
Mobility challenges

MS is not a good disease and many sufferers have difficulty getting around. Shall we call these mobility challenges? We are all different Each MS sufferer has a unique set of problems the usual culprits are walking, mobility and balance. There are plenty more problems in case you were wondering. Here are some of my […]
Reunited With My Scooter

Man is reunited with his lifeline scooter A father has credited the power of social media with helping to reunite him with his ‘lifeline’ mobility scooter after it was was snatched by thieves. Patrick Burke’s three-wheeled scooter vanished from outside Berkhamsted’s Quaker House last Tuesday evening (9 June 2015) – but thanks to his daughter […]
A Very Wet Phone and 5 Rules to Dry it

Does your mobile phone float? Mine fell into the loo. I had a very wet phone. A very wet phone and 5 rules to dry it. Let’s start at the beginning I’m a bloke and I keep my phone in the breast pocket of my shirt. If I bend over at the waist I will fall […]
Safe Return Of My Travelscoot

I am a member of Berkhamsted Speakers club, it meets on Tuesday evenings; I go to the meetings using my Travelscoot. After the the meeting had finished on Tuesday 9th June I went outside to ride it home but my Travelscoot was nowhere to be seen. It had disappeared. I looked again and it still […]
Digging up weeds should be an easy job

Use a Fiskars Weed Puller and now digging up weeds should be an easy job. Lets be honest, bending down to dig up weeds is not enjoyable gardening. Now you can do it while standing up. This must be a better solution. Could it be called fun gardening? As we all know weeds just appear out of […]
Tale of two different rollators

A rollator is an aid that helps with walking. They help me with my balance and to walk upright. A rollator provides the support. It will have a seat to sit on when tired, brakes and a basket to carry items They are all lightweight, the frame is robust, the brakes can be adjusted and should […]
Glasses for Double Vision

It was double vision that led to my diagnosis of MS in 1994. Twenty years later double vision was turning into a serious problem. Prisms are included into the prescription and these are then glasses for double vision. The problem for me was that my double vision had reach the stage where prisms could not […]
Feeling Frustrated, Lost my Temper

MS is a personal disease, different for everyone. No matter how much you try to explain only an MSer can truly appreciate it. There are subtle changes to the mental state of mind. Claustrophobia, clumsiness, feeling frustrated and even stupidity can occur. The physical situation will invariably deteriorate during the day. Sometimes it all gets […]
I Wear an Eye Patch Because I have Double Vision

I wear an Eye Patch because I have double vision. Double vision, led to my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 1994. Double vision did not become a serious problem for me until about 2012. I had double vision before then but prisms in my glasses were always able to eliminate the problem. The double vision can no […]
Two channel FES

I was fitted with a single channel Functional Electrical Stimulator (FES) in mid December. Sixteen weeks later, at the end of March I was upgraded to a Two Channel FES. The original FES is only able to stimulate one muscle; the new one can stimulate two muscles. The original FES stimulates the muscle to lift the front of the foot. […]
Memory is definitely getting

The Cognitive Rehabilitation for Attention and Memory in people with Multiple Sclerosis (CRAMMS) study will focus on these MS related symptoms and begin to recruit patients in April 2015. I already know that I have a very poor memory. What do I use to help my memory and make my life with multiple sclerosis that little bit easier? The […]