Were There Any Benefits Doing The MS Mile?

 Were the any benefits walking the MS mile? Definitely! On the 9th September I walked the MS mile.

Definitely YES 🙂

  • I raised just over £ 1,700 for the Chilterns MS Therapy Centre
  • I proved to myself I could walk three quarters of a mile even with a rollator :-))
  • Taking exercise on a regular basis, I enjoy the buzz
  • Physically and mentally I feel much better
Did I get any benefits doing the MS Mile

Did I get any benefits doing the MS Mile?

Yes there were lots of benefits. At the time I was relieved when it was over and done with. I could restart my life but I also knew that I should do half hour walk every day. Realistically it will only be 3 or 4 times a week

The challenge was all consuming

For 10 days before the walk I did not manage to achieve anything else worthwhile. It took over my life. Every day I was out with my rollator walking between 1000 and 1200 yards and it took me about an hour. When I lurched back into the house I was totally zonked for another hour.

Training for the MS Mile walk

Training for the MS Mile walk

Were There Any Benefits Doing The MS Mile?

Doing the walk showed me that I can do some exercise frequently. Something I had given up doing ages ago when I started to trip up and fall over with alarming frequency. I’m now going out 3 or 4 times a week and doing a 500 yard walk every time.

When the challenge was over

It was a real effort to get out again and do some more walking.  Suddenly there was nothing to aim for, no reason to get out and walk the yards. Deep down I am a bit stubborn. My main concern was why waste all the effort I had put myself through for the walk.

I enjoyed doing the training and I had enjoyed doing the actual walk. I knew it would be stupid for me continue trying to do that distance afterwards. Instead I thought that I should do a shorter distance.

I manage to go out 3 or 4 times every week. What’s more it’s getting easier and I always feel much better for doing it.

Is there a benefit?

I don’t think I’m getting any fitter but I feel much healthier. Other people say that I’m looking much better. Mentally I feel as if I am in a much happier place.

It is all a matter of routine and definitely worth the effort. It is now a part of my life but it might be much harder in the winter.

4 responses to “Were There Any Benefits Doing The MS Mile?”

  1. John Cowburn says:

    Hi Patrick, congratulations on completing the walk! Looks like you’re in a similar condition to me, I am 69 and have secondary progressive MS, was diagnosed about 11 years ago. I never really had much in the way of relapses, just a slow deterioration, Main problems for me are balance and walking, Yes I get exhausted when I do anything physical but I lump that together with the walking. Things seem to have deteriorated a lot more in the last 12 months! Tried diet and eliminating gluten etc, but didn’t seem to work. Try to do bits of exercise, got a recumbent trike so go out on that when the weather is OK (had to stop proper biking when I started falling off whenever I stopped!) also do 3 minutes sessions here and there throughout the day on various things like stationary bike and rebounder (holding onto the back of a chair!) I’ve signed up for your newsletter and would be interested in exchanging occasional emails if you are.


    • Hello John,
      Yes it seems like our MS might be quite similar though I think mine started in 1972 when I was 18 with a bad relapse in 79. Took medical retirement 4 years ago. My MS is a real slow burn. My big problems are walking and balance together with a squiffy bladder. The MS mile was an enormous challenge. For exercise I either go for a swim or walk with my rollator. Not too sure if I could go very far on a cycle, the foot drop in my left foot and physical fatigue are both big issues.

      There will be no letter this month, Christmas and my ineptitude got in the way. I try to do one a month. Quite happy to maintain email correspondence, write to patrick@aid4disabled.com .

      Talk soon,


    • Precious says:

      Have you given any thought at all with converting your current web page into Chinese? I know a couple of tratalsners here that might help you do it for free if you want to make contact with me.

      • Hello John,

        Wow, interesting idea. I’ll be honest – I have a lot on my plate right now plus is there any benefit> I’m sure MS exists in China but doing this opens up a massive can or worms. I think I will park it just for the moment.

        Meanwhile I must go and do the washing up and get the kitchen tidy. One of my domestic chores to keep the house running.


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