How to have a happy Christmas dinner

The problem is how to have a happy Christmas dinner. I’m the one who needs to take things gently,. Pogressive MS, this dreadful disease makes me clumsy and inept. I can easily fall over or lose my balance so it is vital that I spread the work over the day. That’s the theory, if only […]
Every morning its four sticky FES electrodes

Every morning its four sticky FES electrodes. I must put them on my left leg. Two go onto my thigh and two go just below the knee. I started using the FES two years ago in December 2014. I estimate that I have taken the sticky electrodes off about 720 times and put them back […]
Going away for a short break

Going away for a short break used to be so easy. The hardest part was deciding where to go. The wife and I would finally agree on a place. From then on it was a simple process. Throw a few clothes into a suitcase, grab a book, car keys, wallet and the cheque book and […]
WorldvsMS challenge and The Amsterdam HACK

The WordvsMS campaign is an initiative that had been setup to give a voice to people with Multiple Sclerosis. The campaign has asked people with MS to list their challenges in everyday life. Three challenges were accepted from 103 that were submitted A weekend in mid-November was selected when groups of people were invited to […]
Finally I think progress is being made

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post expressing my frustration with trying to get Botox treatment for my bladder. If you missed the post and would like to read it then please click HERE. Yes, I was unbelievably frustrated. Overnight the hospital had shunted my appointment from the next day to March next […]
Man still needs Botox for his bladder

I need Botox injections to control my bladder spasticity. This issue has been rocking around my locker for more than a couple of years. I have written about these problems far too often. You must be bored with them. Even I admit this subject does not come top of my reading list. Well read on, […]
Going back to Pilates

I have missed my last four Pilates’ sessions. They are on a Friday morning but I have been away. Going back to Pilates was a bit like going back to school after the Easter or Christmas break. Going back to Pilates Don’t get me wrong I enjoy Pilates. It helps me with the biggest problems […]
I use incontinence pads

Oooo, this is a difficult subject It is something I had to man-up to quite seriously several years ago. I have had bladder problems since I was a young man, multiple sclerosis has a lot to answer for 🙁 Nowadays I sometimes use incontinence pads because of the irritable bladder. I only wear normal underwear […]
Its when the unexpected happens

Its when the unexpected accident happens. Inevitably I get stressed and this feeling lasts for a couple of hours. When I am feeling fragile it does not take much to tip me over the edge. Most of the time I’m as tough as old boots. Its when the unexpected happens The problem is the MS. My memory and sense […]
MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition

Over the weekend 17/18 September the MS Society held its biennial exhibition, The MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition I went there on the first day and arrived at about 12.30. There was expectation and excitement from the moment I walked into the exhibition as well as a noisy atmosphere. During the day I […]
Do my morning exercises

As little as ten years ago I would wake up and get out of bed without a thought. Such bliss, such joy. Now when I wake up I always feel horribly stiff. It’s a huge effort to turn over onto my back so I can swing my legs out of bed and sit on the […]
Time To Make Your Life Easier

Do you have MS? Don’t you think its time to make your life easier? I should know, I am always trying do it. What can YOU do so you do not feel fatigued living your life? Its important to enjoy yourself and have a good quality of life. Time to make your life easier I’m […]
Seven days during the Rio Olympics

There are days when living with MS is really not too bad and there are days when it is awful. There are even days when it can be exciting. This has been a week when I have gone through all of these emotions and more. I even broke my Leki walking stick in a dramatic […]
Sticky electrodes and my FES

I started using a Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in January 2014. It has been my game changer. Without the sticky electrodes and my FES I would probably have to use a wheelchair around the house. Hold on a moment, I would definitely have to use a wheelchair. Instead I have a different life. Sticky electrodes and my […]
I had a wonderful sailing holiday

I had a wonderful sailing holiday Earlier this year in 2016 I had a wonderful sailing holiday. Click HERE to read about it. I signed up to go sailing with the JST (Jubilee Sailing Trust) on the Lord Nelson. It was a six day trip from Southampton to France and back to Southampton. Help me […]
An invisible physical disability

Are you like me? I suffer from an invisible physical disability. Do these statements sound familiar? “Crikey I didn’t know you were disabled”. Or maybe someone said “You don’t look disabled”. Sometimes it’s even “You look healthy”, and then they deserve a slap. An invisible physical disability Millions of us in Briton have a hidden disability. […]
A Simple Decision Every Morning

There are decisions I must make every day from the moment I wake up. I have to make a simple decision every morning when I get dressed. The result depends upon the mood I am in, how I feel when I wake up. It is my decision and it affects me for the rest of the […]
My Badly Behaved Bladder

Sometimes you just want your MS problems to go away. I know the severity is different for everyone but there are times when the niggles just get to be too much. My badly behaved bladder has been around for over 35 years. Slightly longer than I have been married. My badly behaved bladder Its not […]
Living with multiple sclerosis is no laughing matter

Two reasons why living with multiple sclerosis is no laughing matter. Saturday 24 June I always look forward to Saturday. Not because it’s the end of the week. Not because it’s the start of the weekend. It’s the day I go to the local bakery buy bread and Chelsea Buns. Last Saturday came round and […]
Some things I simply do not see

Vision is a bit of a mystery to me at times. Some things I can see perfectly well and some things I simply do not see. I know my vision is not 20/20 🙁 I always have to wear a pair of glasses, I even have special reading glasses. Some things I simply do not […]
12 June 2016

Diary 12 June 2016 Here’s something to think about. It’s a quote from Mary Kay Ash, an American businesswoman and founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. “There are two things people want more than sex and money; recognition and praise”. In case you were wondering the Travelscoot that was for sale has been sold. I have […]
The FES has been a life changer

An FES was originally fitted over 18 months ago to help my footdrop. There is no doubt the FES has been a life changer. It makes me feel more confident, I have better balance and a definite ‘I-can-do’ feeling. OK so I still need to use a rollator. The FES has been a life changer At […]
I Need A Two Wheeled Walking Frame

I have come to the conclusion that I need a Two Wheeled Walking Frame. Coming to this conclusion did not make me feel happy. Would a zimmerframe mean that I would be less likely to fall over? Am I a step closer to always needing to use a wheelchair? Is this another tipping point on my journey […]
I cannot do things I once took for granted

Everyone knows Multiple sclerosis is a horrible disease. Now I cannot do things I once took for granted, its the Multiple Sclerosis. Its taken a long time but I thinks it has finally got me. I get so frustrated. I cannot do things I once took for granted Am I wrong? I don’t think so. […]
Tall Ship Boat Sailing Holiday

I recently had a week away on a Tall Ship Boat Sailing Holiday. It was an exciting experience, truly memorable. Organised by the Jubilee Sailing Trust the boat, called the Lord Nelson, is designed and built for people with a physical disability. There were 50 people on board, including the regular crew, varying in age […]
Zinger battery powered lightweight wheelchair

The Zinger battery powered lightweight wheelchair is fun to use. It’s small nippy and a new concept. It can be used both indoors and outside The Zinger is comfortable and it’s manoeuvrable; it can literally turn on a sixpence piece. The armrests on a zinger are optional. The basic model has no handle bar so […]
Di Blasi R30 Folding Mobility Scooter

A mobility scooter that folds up on the press of a button. It seems a genuine novelty but the Di Blasi R30 folding mobility scooter is not the only one on the market. Click here to find out more about it. I like the 1930’s style and the large wheels so it can go over […]
Visit The Shoulder Consultant Again

I had an operation to repair the rotator cuff in my left shoulder in August 2014. There is still an occasional twinge in my left shoulder. Shortly after the operation, the consultant said he could do a hip replacement in less time than it took to repair my shoulder. Only then did I realise it […]
Something prevents a good sleep

It all started in the middle of last year, 2015, I had an appointment to see a urology consultant. I was having problems with leaking urine before I inserted a catheter to have a pee. Only very very occasionally was there a total disaster. Accidents do happen and very occasionally I have to change my […]
The FES Really Changed My Life

The FES really changed my life. I am quite sure it was the Functional Electrical Stimulator otherwise known as an FES. Originally fitted in December 2014. I immediately stopped falling over with monotonous regularity. Instead I stayed upright, it changed my life for the better . So many people commented that I looked better and […]
Wobble Cushion

I bought a Wobble Cushion in 2012. My balance was much better then than it is now in 2016 multiple sclerosis has killed off my walking and sense of balance.. Nowadays I cannot walk unaided. So what is a wobble cushion? The best description is to imagine a rubber cushion filled with air and it is made […]
Heads MS Wins or Tails I Lose

Heads MS wins or tails I lose. Its all on the toss of a coin? Life is unfair. Running, driving, dog walking, employment are just a few things my friend MS has won from me. It is exerting such a strong grip on my life. Nowadays I run out of energy more quickly than ever 🙁 […]
Essential Extras For The Topro Troja Rollator

The Topro Troja rollator is a reliable walker if you have difficulty with balance Maybe you find walking difficult or struggle carrying items such as a plate of food. I have used these rollators for several years. I’m a happy customer. I am going to tell you about some essential extras for the Topro Troja […]
Can You Cure Multiple Sclerosis

Can you cure multiple sclerosis (MS)? It is a question that would always receive a negative reply. Recent medical developments, described as miraculous, can now lead to a cure for MS. People newly diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) can have their immune system rebooted using stem cells extracted from their bone marrow. Before […]
Be a Garlic Crusher With A Rocker

Be a garlic crusher with a rocker though the experts say you should chop garlic. Well try a Joseph Joseph Garlic Rocker that’s all well and good saying you should chop garlic but they ain’t got my problems. No I definitely find it easier to crush garlic with a rocker. Even The Wife says its […]