Something prevents a good sleep

What is stopping my sleep?
It all started in the middle of last year, 2015, I had an appointment to see a urology consultant. I was having problems with leaking urine before I inserted a catheter to have a pee. Only very very occasionally was there a total disaster. Accidents do happen and very occasionally I have to change my jeans and underwear. Things can be a tad embarrassing when I have to do a quick shuffle to the loo. What was available to would make my life better. Could the answer be Botox?
I went to see the Urology consultant
For several weeks I had to keep a diary of what I drank, how much and at what time. I also had to keep a record of the frequency and volumes every time I had a pee. It was all a bit of a palaver and sometimes some guess work was necessary. Would you carry a measuring jug with you when you went to the loo in a pub or restaurant?
Alcohol or Caffeine
Eventually I was told that Botox was not the answer, my bladder was too well behaved. The consultant suggested I give up caffeine and or alcohol. A tough one, I opted for caffeine. I had to change my prescription from ?Tolterodene to Tropsium Chloride, it helped. I was told to start Mirobegron if the problems started up again.
I took Tropsium Chloride for about 5 months then in January 2016 it all started to get messy again so I started on Mirabegron, another drug to treat an over active bladder.
Something prevents a good sleep
Ten days later I woke up after 6 hours sleep because I needed to go to the loo and the wee was an insignificant quantity. The problem was I could not go back to sleep. If I went to bed earlier I would still wake up after six hours sleep.
Soon it was after 5 hours sleep then it went down to 4 hours sleep. I would doze when I went back to bed but never a deep sleep.
I was not a happy bunny. In fact I was a bad tempered fractious bunny. Why was I not sleeping?
The big change was taking the Mirabegron.
I phoned up my MS Nurse who is highly practical. I explained the problem. She was as perplexed as me but told me to go back onto the slow release Tolterodene.
After ten days off the Mirabegron and Tropsium Chloride I was getting a full night’s sleep. Bliss!
28 February 2016
Good to hear the outcome Patrick.
You mentioned giving up alcohol or coffee. How does alcohol affect your symptoms? One medium glass of wine has a considerable effect on my balance and walking, and it acts quickly – within a few minutes! So I’ve cut down but not cut out completely as I do love my glass or two of Malbec with my evening meal!
Hello John,
Ultimately I need BOTOX but its a matter of finding a bladder consultant who is more MS aware. I’m very relieved to be getting a reasonable night’s sleep once again.
I have had to cut back on alcohol, mainly because the hangovers are a lot worse than they used to be and I need to drink less a get one. THe big change has been giving up caffeine it created havoc with my bladder. Expresso is now an oxymoron. but I do love to have the occasional one If I drink more than 2 pints of beer then the flood gates open.