At Night I Can’t Just Fall Into Bed
It’s the evening, I’m tired and its bedtime but at night I can’t just fall into bed. I have to go through a ritual every evening before I can get into bed and start reading my book. Getting undressed and removing my FES is quite a palaver. If I do this standing up I’m guaranteed to fall over; so everything must be done sitting down.

At night I can’t just fall into bed
At night I can’t just fall into bed
Taking off my trousers is not easy when my left leg will not cooperate. My left trouser leg always ends up inside out. I perch on the side of the bed and push the trousers to my left ankle but funding a way to get my left leg out of this item of clothing is a different proposition altogether.
Getting Undressed
Its not an easy task. Quite simply I’m not flexible enough to lift my left leg onto my right knee and gently remove the trousers. The only way is to put my right foot on the trouser leg and hoik my leg out. Oh the wonders of leg drop and foot drop.
Remove the FES
I now remove the surgical tape (ouch 🙁 ) and the wires for my FES from the electrodes, that’s easy. Now comes a tricky moment. I must now lurch, stagger or stumble through to the bathroom. Will I fall over? Bad balance and a left foot that will not lift off the ground make this an awkward operation.
Why do I put myself through this?
- I must always take the FES electrodes off at night.
- Rinse the electrodes to re hydrate them by gently rubbing the silicon under running water.
- Make sure electrodes are stored on a plastic backing sheet and then placed in a sealed plastic bag when they are not in use. This helps to stop them drying out.
- Clean my teeth, mouth feels better but sometimes I almost lose my balance when I unexpectedly lurch backwards.
- Finally I must get back to the bedroom.
- Remember to take my pills that ensure I sleep well.
I would not dream of trying to do this when I have had one glass too many of wine, would you?
The days of being able to toddle upstairs and flop into bed are but a distant memory. I think the last time was 15th December 2014, over eight months ago. My first day with the FES was 16th December. I did not understand the consequences of having this device.
Is this ritual worthwhile?
The FES is a game changer so it’s definitely worthwhile. I just wish a way could be found to make it easier to get through this ritual and fall into bed but I must not complain.
Hello. I, too, have an FES, one cuff for my left knee and one strap on my left thigh, but I only use it outside the house as I find it too cumbersome to wear all day.
My best time is always in the evening when I am able to exercise a little, but this is always undone by the spasticity creeping back in overnight.
For this reason I tend to just have four and a half hours in the night and grab a few half-hours during the day.
I don’t know wherher I have answered any questions or just babbled. Keep up the inspiring attitude.
As you might have guessed I think the FES is wonderful. I wear it all day. Electodes below my knee for foot drop and electrodes on my thigh for leg drop. It makes walking possible, without it I’m not too sure what I would do, probably end up in a wheel chair. I used to use a MuSmate, look it up on my website or through Google. It was very effective but terrible at helping me with my balance. I was always falling over which is why I dislocated my shoulder twice and had to have my rotator cuff completely rebuilt. 2 3/4 hour operation
The FES means I walk much more naturally, in fact I almost never fall over, less than once every 3 or 4 weeks, it used to be a daily occurance. It has completely changed my life. The only problem with it is that I am reminded I have MS every time I have to take off or put on the patches. The process takes about 15 – 20 minutes each time. I guess a small price but sometimes it irritates me. I guess that is the idea behind the article.
Why wear a cuff, they always look very clunky. Electrodes are very convenient and no one can see them.