I attempt a stupid walking challenge, only 100 Km
Earlier this year I tried a stupid walking challenge, only a mere 100 Km over 10 months. I have used an FES for over six years, it helps my walking. A year ago I completed a one hour walk. At the end I was exhausted but it was deeply satisfying especially as I raised over […]
Broken skin: my Functional Electrical Stimulation story
MS affects my left leg and I have been using an FES since late 2014. For the previous 10 years I had used a Musmate a simple mechanical device that is a walking aid for foot-drop. My foot-drop and leg-drop mean that I cannot walk unaided and I walk very slowly. My Functional Electrical Stimulation […]
The urgent search for hope by Patrick Burke
I always enjoy unexpected surprises. One started in early November. I was having my 18-month check-up for the MS-Stat2 drug trial with simvastatin. It’s always a pleasure going down to the MS centre at Queens Square, the staff are really friendly. Also there is an urgent search for hope for people with MS. The end […]
I’m a lucky guy Fampridine works for me
I take Fampridine and use an FES or Functional Electrical Stimulator, they both improve my quality of life. I can only walk with a rollator and it is agonisingly slow. Without them I would have to use a wheelchair. OK. my left leg is useless courtesy MS but I do have an excellent right leg. […]
I am Patrick and I have advanced multiple sclerosis
I am Patrick and I have advanced multiple sclerosis; A physically active life is no longer possible, balance and walking problems get in the way. Also I am not allowed to drive because of double vision, another kind gift from multiple sclerosis (MS). The beginning I am convinced my multiple sclerosis started in 1972, my […]
Ideal solution to an FES problem
I must carry my Functional Electrical Stimulator (FES) and it is quite bulky. Yup, I suffer from multiple sclerosis and like so many others I have foot drop. I use a dual channel FES to help me with walking. My problem, how do I carry my FES so it is safe, secure and easy to […]
HANDYSCOOT™ Lightweight travel mobility scooter
Have you ever thought of buying a HandyScoot™ lightweight travel mobility scooter? Perhaps you are recovering from a medical procedure or maybe you just need help getting around because your walking is not so good these days. Not all mobility scooters are the same. The purchase of any lightweight travel mobility scooter is a significant […]
Walking round the supermarket with a trolley
When I started taking Fampridine the physiotherapist was insistent that I take more exercise. I mentioned that I go to the supermarket every day and do the shopping on The Trike (3 wheel light-weight mobility scooter). Her eyes lit up, “I know what you can do” she said. “This is an idea. Walking round the supermarket […]
Three weeks of taking Fampridine
Friday, 22 December, I think that date will be etched on my memory for many years. Three weeks of taking Fampridine. I knew it’d helped me but the icy test was going to be measuring my new walking speed. Had Fampridine increased my walking speed enough for me to receive it on prescription? Three weeks […]
Every morning its four sticky FES electrodes
Every morning its four sticky FES electrodes. I must put them on my left leg. Two go onto my thigh and two go just below the knee. I started using the FES two years ago in December 2014. I estimate that I have taken the sticky electrodes off about 720 times and put them back […]
MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition
Over the weekend 17/18 September the MS Society held its biennial exhibition, The MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition I went there on the first day and arrived at about 12.30. There was expectation and excitement from the moment I walked into the exhibition as well as a noisy atmosphere. During the day I […]
Sticky electrodes and my FES
I started using a Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in January 2014. It has been my game changer. Without the sticky electrodes and my FES I would probably have to use a wheelchair around the house. Hold on a moment, I would definitely have to use a wheelchair. Instead I have a different life. Sticky electrodes and my […]
The FES has been a life changer
An FES was originally fitted over 18 months ago to help my footdrop. There is no doubt the FES has been a life changer. It makes me feel more confident, I have better balance and a definite ‘I-can-do’ feeling. OK so I still need to use a rollator. The FES has been a life changer At […]
I cannot do things I once took for granted
Everyone knows Multiple sclerosis is a horrible disease. Now I cannot do things I once took for granted, its the Multiple Sclerosis. Its taken a long time but I thinks it has finally got me. I get so frustrated. I cannot do things I once took for granted Am I wrong? I don’t think so. […]
The FES Really Changed My Life
The FES really changed my life. I am quite sure it was the Functional Electrical Stimulator otherwise known as an FES. Originally fitted in December 2014. I immediately stopped falling over with monotonous regularity. Instead I stayed upright, it changed my life for the better . So many people commented that I looked better and […]
Life without a FES would be unthinkable
I have SPMS and seriously disabled with foot drop. I was fitted with a Functional Electrical Stimulator (FES) in December 2014. A consultant from Queens Square, London suggested that it would help my walking. At first I found it very fiddly to setup and this did not inspire me with confidence. Within a few days […]
At Night I Can’t Just Fall Into Bed
It’s the evening, I’m tired and its bedtime but at night I can’t just fall into bed. I have to go through a ritual every evening before I can get into bed and start reading my book. Getting undressed and removing my FES is quite a palaver. If I do this standing up I’m guaranteed to […]
Drop Foot And The FES
It’s now August 2015, time to think about my drop foot and the FES ; I have been using a Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) to help me walk since December 2014 that is 9 months. It is a dual channel FES. I cannot lift the toes or front of my left foot off the ground. I cannot […]
Two channel FES
I was fitted with a single channel Functional Electrical Stimulator (FES) in mid December. Sixteen weeks later, at the end of March I was upgraded to a Two Channel FES. The original FES is only able to stimulate one muscle; the new one can stimulate two muscles. The original FES stimulates the muscle to lift the front of the foot. […]
FES, 4 weeks later
I was fitted with a Functional Electric Stimulator (FES) in December 2014. No expectations FES has changed my life but not in ways that I was expecting. Actually I did not really have any expectations. I had not done any research into it; at times I’m so idle. I was only getting one fitted because […]