Bonkers daughter
One of my daughters enjoys a challenge.

MY bonkers daughter
Its the same attitude that mountaineers have to mountains, they only climb them because they are there. She and a group of friends are going to cycle the length of Britain, Lands End to John O’Groats to raise money for charity. The distance they cycle will be 1000 miles. Why? They fancied doing this challenge.
She is very sensible when doing these challenges and I’m immensely proud of her.
The Challenge
As the crow flies it is about 600 miles from one end to the other but her journey is a staggering 1000 miles by road. She is doing it with some friends over a 14 day period. Cycling an average just over 70 miles per day, crikey.
What is more, as soon as she has finished the cycling she is going to the Bruce Springstein concert in the Olympic Park, London. In fact the whole family is going. Tim, my son, comes back from Australia for a month, he flew out in February 2012 and Meg fancies a day listening to music and having a good time. Barby will keep me company in the area reserved for the disabled. We thought this would be a good way for the family to bond, lets just hope its sunny.
Jo likes being fit and going out on her bike is something she enjoys but this is totally different. She has

Jo 2001
decided to join a cycling club to build up her fitness. She found doing the training on her own was too mind-numbingly boring. I don’t think she will want to go near a bike for a long time after this event.
At her age I was too engrossed in just trying to survive, my career as an antiques dealer was coming to an end and I was looking for other ideas. Although I already had MS it was not to be diagnosed for another 13 years and anyway it was not having any impact upon my life at that time.
I will be delighted if you decide to give some money to these two charities because my daughter is doing this arduous journey, cycling the length of Britain. I am quite sure she will never forget it. Every little bit of sponsorship will help to make the journey more worth while for her.
Incidentally I don’t think its only Jo who is slightly bonkers, I think they all are but I admire them.
Hi Patrick,
Glad to hear you’ve got an audience with the Boss to look forward to, should be good!
Talking of mad challenges we are off to walk the Bulgarian mountains for six days – including a crazy ridge thing – see
Hope all are in good spirits, website looking good!
Toby and Kiru