British Museum

The British Museum
The British Museum is a truly remarkable place. Entry is free and there is so much to see. If you are disabled then you can park your car in forecourt of the museum; you feel so important driving your car across the forecourt and parking it right by the entrance.
Disabled Parking is so easy
All you need to do is make one phone call at least 24 hours in advance. To reserve a parking space (for disabled users only): Tel: +44 (0)20 7323 8299. They don’t seem to ask for proof, we always leave the blue badge on the dash board.
More information about the range of resources and events provided for our deaf and visually impaired visitors: Tel: +44 (0)20 7323 8299
The whole place is very accessible
The staff could not be more friendly. When you have grown weary of looking at things or your feet ache and you are feeling peckish then there is a wide selection of food available. There is a restaurant and a couple of cafes, take a look at their website for the food.
I’m not going to tell you what to go and see, the list would be enormous and why spoil the fun? Anyway, just wandering around is a great way to stumble upon something interesting. To find out about exhibitions etc go to this website
When we went up in April 2013 the museum was choc-a-block with people. In fact the place seemed to be positively oozing with people. None the less The Wife and I still managed to find rooms where there were very few people.
The good exhibitions are always sold out so there are going to be an awful lot of people at them. I am on my mobility scooter and it is not easy getting around with out clipping someone on the ankles. I also get the feeling that I am being herded but hey that is a minor criticism.
If you live in London or can get up to London easily then go to the British Museum. Also visit any of the other galleries or museums. Remember they are free so please leave a donation. They are all very accessible and everyone is Uber helpful. My favourite is the V & A only because it is so large there is no chance to ever see every exhibit. The special exhibitions at these museums are popular so they will be very crowded. If you use a wheelchair or mobility scooter then they are best avoided.
I would like to receive information about the British Museum events
Best bet is to go onto their website