Think about the positives

Apple blossom in April
Too many people with progressive MS suffer in the heat, I know I do. I’m not naturally lazy quite simply I am clobbered by the heat. The energy just drains out of my body and worse if its humid as well. Two hot days and already I’m apprehensive of the summer. I must remember to think about the positives.
Think about the positives
England in the spring is a wonderful place. So many shades of green. Every tree and every plant looks to be wearing a new set of clothes every day. It’s an exciting vibrant green. It feels good to be alive.
April and May are my favourite months. There is so much to enjoy to. Jersey potatoes, soft fruit starts to appear in the shops. There is blossom on the trees and suddenly there are flowers too. Every day there is more day light. The winter sleep is over. The air feels fresh and crisp.
Yes I know my MS is progressing
I know my balance is deteriorating week by week. These days my falls, though not serious, are occurring more frequently. An unexpected stagger or a lurch is almost a daily occurrence. Something as simple as standing up straight in front of the wash hand basin to clean my teeth is now an even bigger challenge.
Be positive

The beauty of cherry blossoms in the spring
I am a ‘doer’. I have energy and usually in control of my destiny. OK, so am I kidding myself? I know full well that it does not take much to make life less serene. For me it is vital that I maintain a ‘can do’ state of mind.
Back in the day
I used to yearn for a cloudless sky, go outside wearing T shirt, shorts and flip flops. Sit in a pub garden slowly sipping a pint of ale and enjoying the sunshine. I then graduated to looking after the garden or taking the dogs for a walk.
That life style is now history
Now if the thermometer rises above 22, 72 in old money, I must seek shade or retire into the house. No more dog walks, no more gardening.
Its hot and sunny outside
If I do not escape the sunshine my MS threatens to move into the red zone. It will get out of control. The heat depletes my energy reserves too quickly. The soles of my feet will ache. I feel my forehead and it’s too hot. Now I am too tired to do anything.
Is my MS really getting significantly worse?
The disease then takes a turn for the worse. Is it just the heat? I start to feel anxious that the dreaded Uhthoff’s phenomenon is about to kick in.
A good night’s sleep
I know sleep will fix the problems. Luckily for me the next day is cooler. Normal service is resumed. I am lucky, the MS progression is slow. I must think about the positives.
May 2017
Hi, I can relate to your problem with the heat and the changing of the season, Spring to summer, I’m a gardener and no sooner it goes above 20′, my energy starts to be drained from me! Even when the sun comes out it makes me feel worse.
It’s not that I don’t like the sun, when I go on holiday abroad, I love the sun and heat, just seems different some how!?
Those who don’t have M.S, can’t really understand what you are talking about, it’s the same every year for me, but that extreme heat we had 2 weeks ago, really knocked me back.
I have RR M.S.
Hope you are feeling better at the moment.
Many years aGO I was unemployed and gave serious thought to looking after people’s gardens. This was before my MS was diagnosed. Luckily I found more work as a computer geek so MS did not become an issue until about 2008. It morphed into SPMS about 2000, walking and driving became life changing issues by 2005. I worked as a computer geek until 2012.
MS is a difficult disease to understand because it varies so much plus it is confused with MS and MND. Humidity really knocks me for 6 but things are OK for me at the moment