I have a radio show

Present Thursday Lunchbox on Tring radio
I have a radio show with Tring radio every week. We, me and Jessie, present a magazine show, just chat and music. This Thursday 3rd June will be my 10th show live on air. I have always wanted be on the radio but never admitted that to myself. The organisers, Tim and Rachel together with Jessie have given me this opportunity and been very patient, I’m really chuffed.
I have a radio show
Jessie is my co-presenter and she couldn’t be more different from me. She is in her twenties and graduated from university last year. I’m at the other end of the spectrum, graduated 45 years ago and now officially retired. I have known her virtually since October and met face to face only once. That’s the pandemic for you.
Thursday Lunchbox
It’s lasts an hour every Thursday from 12 till 1 which I share with Jessie but in truth it’s really my show. Nine shows in and I have made many so many common mistakes. Forget to turn my microphone off and then have a conversation with someone else, and yes it goes out on air 🙁 Once the microphone was still turned off after the song had finished. There was silence but I was talking; then I turned it on when the next song started, whoops.
You listen to radio shows on the BBC or local radio and it sounds so easy. Even when there is more than one person. Imagine doing it for the first time, I am at home and Jessie, my co-presenter, is in Leicester. No wonder we giggle and laugh too much.
My ideas
I choose the music each week, only six or seven songs. It’s music I like but that is a huge range. Recognisable but not necessarily a hit.
You must know I love cooking, so I have a five-minute slot where I give an easy recipe or cookery tip. Its either something My Wife and I have invented or plagiarised from an existing recipe.
My favourite slot is talking about life from a wheelchair or mobility scooter. Everything changes when you are using a chair with wheels. Look at the number the shops with a step to get in or out. There are numerous restaurants where the loo can only be accessed using steps. My bête noire are doors which are heavy and need to be pulled open. These are all problems. New to Jessie’s mind and possibly you have not thought about them either.
My third slot is to talk about events in my town, Berkhamsted. The radio station is called Tring radio, a small market town 5 miles down the road. I want people from Berkhamsted to know about this community radio station and help it to prosper.
If you had asked me about my life this time last year, there is no way I could have seen myself with a show on local community radio. It’s all done virtually, I access ‘my studio’ from my laptop at home, my co-presenter is 40 miles away doing the same. If you want to hear me then tune in to Tring radio (www.tringradio.co.uk) between 12 and 1 every Thursday.
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June 2021
Thank you good, sir! I’ve made a note/time differences, so I plan to tune-into your radio program this week – yay!
Mal in Bathurst, Australia
Hello Mal,
I hope you enjoy the show. Jessie and I have a gas. I might be asked to cover some other shows where the music from the 21st-century hit parade. I will let you know through Twitter