Now I have twitchy legs at night

There are hidden joys of multiple sclerosis. Its one long story of new challenges and survival. My latest problem, twitchy legs, only surfaced recently. It’s an uncontrollable twitch, starting in a muscle but culminating with my leg definitely twitching and repeats itself again and again. For some reason the fun only starts after the sun […]
An MS crisis with my dysfunctional bladder

29 March 2020. This MS crisis started when I was on holiday in Valencia in February 2019. I woke up one morning wanting a pee but I was unable to insert a catheter into my bladder. The unflappable hotel staff directed me and The Wife to hospital where I was diagnosed with a UTI and […]
Every morning I have to stretch my stiff muscles

Imagine getting straight out of bed and immediately walking into the bathroom, Haha those were the days and I can still remember them; must have stopped about 2012. Nowadays I have to start my day differently, I must stretch my stiff muscles. Multiple sclerosis is the culprit. What did I do in my sleep? Last […]
Man still needs Botox for his bladder

I need Botox injections to control my bladder spasticity. This issue has been rocking around my locker for more than a couple of years. I have written about these problems far too often. You must be bored with them. Even I admit this subject does not come top of my reading list. Well read on, […]