Portable Simulated Daylight Box

portable simulated daylight box
A Portable Simulated Daylight Box
is a fantastic device. It brings near daylight into your work area. It is a perfect tonic for those grey winter days. It brightens the space around the daylight box making it so much easier to work or read. Very useful especially when there is no sunlight or the sun is always low in the sky.
The Portable Daylight Box has two brightness levels and uses blue spectrum light tubes to simulate natural daylight.
Its small and portable for use anywhere a mains plug. It only weighs 848 gm, that’s less than 2lb, or a bag of sugar. Its not very big, only 4.5 x 20.5 x 12.3 cm so its easy to pop into a carrier bag.
Much more convenient than large tube units and better than LED versions as it does not create “spotting” in the eyes.
Some customer comments
- Within 2 days of having it on my desk I felt so much better, nearly 3 weeks on and I’m like a new person
- Offers an affordable and entry level option to try SAD lighting and see if it has a benefit for you
- I have only used this for a week, but I already have more energy and feel less need to nap in the afternoon
- It is a dinky little thing with a long lead, so it is easy to carry anywhere and move it around for the best position. Love it!
- A good product, seems to have lifted the gloom
Don’t wast any more time, treat your self and get the Portable Simulated Daylight Box now.
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