3 traumatic injuries to me

Visits to hospital Multiple Sclerosis was the the one factor that joins these 3 traumatic injuries together. None of them could be described as fun but hey, I survived. Sepsis December 2013 I have used intermittent self-catheterisation to empty my bladder since 2005. this visit to hospital occurred in 2013. I had just received a […]
My life with MS and invisible disabilities

My life with MS is turning into a balancing act. Not the high-wire type of balance, just making sure I don’t do two things simultaneously. My life is now just one job at a time, no more walking and talking. Invisible disabilities rule plus they control my life. Nobody knows I have invisible disabilities unless […]
Just another little fall

In the kitchen I must use a stool on wheels. The Wife and I were cooking supper last Sunday and everything was getting a bit fraught. Not enough pairs of hands to prepare everything. I moved forward on my stool but a wheel got stuck in the grouting between two floor tiles. The stool stopped […]
Visit The Shoulder Consultant Again

I had an operation to repair the rotator cuff in my left shoulder in August 2014. There is still an occasional twinge in my left shoulder. Shortly after the operation, the consultant said he could do a hip replacement in less time than it took to repair my shoulder. Only then did I realise it […]
Visiting Wales

I am visiting Wales, Penarth to be precise. Meanwhile Barby is on a walking break, 5 days of respite. She is on her annual pilgrimage to the Lake District so more Wainwrights can be crossed off the list, notably Skiddaw. Home alone? With one arm in a sling it is impossible for me to put on […]
My left shoulder

Those of you in the know will be familiar with the accidents and injuries that I have done to my left shoulder. It has taken the brunt of a couple of falls as well as the odd stumble. The first dislocation happened in January 2013 and then another visit to hospital in February this year […]
Falling Over Again, 25th February

It’s something we, I mean those who have balance issues, are always frightened of; falling over and then a visit to hospital to repair the injury. Well I did it again. How did I do it this time? You must have seen the famous Only Fools and Horses episode where Delboy leans against a bar […]