Leg drop glues my foot to the floor

Leg drop glues my foot to the floor. You might think I am joking but I cannot lift my left leg off the ground without help. Its just like foot drop but it affects my thigh instead of my foot and the effect is just the same. Its difficult to imagine the problems until they […]
Using a wheelchair, do I need L-plates

Using a wheelchair sounds really easy. Self propelling wheelchairs have much bigger rear wheels which have push-rims fitted to them. Now I can move the chair myself and be independent. Well, that all sounds super easy. Mind you there are problems being a wheelchair user that had not crossed my mind until I started to use […]
Feet are made for standing

Feet are made for standing, its something people take for granted. OK I admit that walking, running and jumping also involve feet but standing on them is a basic function. “Learn to stand on your own two feet” and “Rushed off your feet” are two common phrases that involve being on your feet. My mobility […]
A short visit to Woburn Centre Parcs

I last visited Centre Parcs when all 3 of our children were under 10, over thirty years ago. My diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was at least 10 years into the future. Now our two daughters are married, and each has a baby son and I am living with advanced multiple sclerosis. A visit to Centre […]
Shopping in a wheelchair is a challenge

If you find walking easy then I am going to issue a challenge, go shopping in a wheelchair. Before you leave don’t forget to tie your legs together. You must go out on your own and don’t forget a shopping list or shopping bag. You will need some cash, credit cards and your mobile phone. […]
Tall Ship Boat Sailing Holiday

I recently had a week away on a Tall Ship Boat Sailing Holiday. It was an exciting experience, truly memorable. Organised by the Jubilee Sailing Trust the boat, called the Lord Nelson, is designed and built for people with a physical disability. There were 50 people on board, including the regular crew, varying in age […]
Zinger battery powered lightweight wheelchair

The Zinger battery powered lightweight wheelchair is fun to use. It’s small nippy and a new concept. It can be used both indoors and outside The Zinger is comfortable and it’s manoeuvrable; it can literally turn on a sixpence piece. The armrests on a zinger are optional. The basic model has no handle bar so […]
City University and my Travelscoot

I had been asked to give a talk at London City University on Tuesday 4th Feb at 1 pm. I was talking to 2nd year nursing students. The theme of my talk ‘Experiences of living with a long term medical condition’ in my case multiple sclerosis. The train braked I caught the train up to […]