City University and my Travelscoot

I had been asked to give a talk at London City University on Tuesday 4th Feb at 1 pm.

City University, they could not find a wheelchair

City University, they could not find a wheelchair

I was talking to 2nd year nursing students. The theme of my talk ‘Experiences of living with a long term medical condition’ in my case multiple sclerosis.

The train braked

I caught the train up to London with plenty of time to spare so I could prepare myself for the talk. I had got a seat in the disabled area of the train and was reading the newspaper. It was all looking good. As the train started to brake to stop at a station my Travelscoot started to move away from me so I grabbed the seat to stop it moving.

Must not panic

To my horror the seat parted company from the body of my Travelscoot rendering it totally unusable. The metal plate attaching the seat to the scooter had sheared off; this was a completely unexpected event. The consequences immediately began to mount up in my mind but I was determined not to panic and I was going to find a way to give the talk.

How and where

A few problems immediately crossed my mind. Don’t forget that it takes over 5 minutes to walk 200 metres, and afterwards I am pooped

  • It was going to be impossible to take the Travelscoot with me to City University.

    The seat had sheered off

    The seat had sheered off

  • So where was I going to leave the Travelscoot?
  • How was I going to get from the train to a black cab that would get me to City University?
  • Would City University have a wheelchair?

No problems at Euston station

  • Euston Station is used to dealing with disabled people, it has little blue buggies to transport them around the station.
  • An emergency was not a problem
  • The driver of the litle blue buggie took complete control of the situation. He delivered me to the taxi rank and arranged to looked after my Travelscoot.

It went well

I arrived at City University and the lecturer rummaged around and eventually he found a wheelchair for me. I was intrigued that none were available for a visitor who might be disabled. Anyway they got me to the lecture theatre bang on time. I had not had any time to prepare myself mentally for the talk or eaten any lunch. I struggled down the steps to the front of the lecture theatre and delivered my talk and answered questions, the whole thing lasted an hour and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

London again in 5 days time

So yes it was a good day. Full marks to the staff at Euston railway station. Thanks to all at City University. I managed not to panic but I now had a Travelscoot that could not be used and I am totally dependent on it. As soon as I got home I sent an email telling the company what had happened. I do hope the replacement parts arrive quickly because I have to go up to London again in 5 days time.

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3 responses to “City University and my Travelscoot”

  1. Timothy Treffry says:

    I’ve had a Travelscoot for 15 years. It’s a remarkable design, lightweight and portable. But people should be warned that it can tip sideways on uneven ground very easily and needs to be ridden with a high degree of care and attention.

  2. […] old Travelscoot definitely looked like a loved and cherished item. Tyre treads worn, mud splattered, seat held together by black tape. No idea how many hours use I […]

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