3 traumatic injuries to me

Visits to hospital Multiple Sclerosis was the the one factor that joins these 3 traumatic injuries together. None of them could be described as fun but hey, I survived. Sepsis December 2013 I have used intermittent self-catheterisation to empty my bladder since 2005. this visit to hospital occurred in 2013. I had just received a […]
MS Botox bladder injections are life changing

There are very few things that really improve the quality of my MS addled life. A few days ago I had MS Botox bladder injections for my squiffy bladder. An elephant left the room within 24 hours. Now I can casually stroll past a loo without thinking “Golly I must go in and have a […]
An MS crisis with my dysfunctional bladder

29 March 2020. This MS crisis started when I was on holiday in Valencia in February 2019. I woke up one morning wanting a pee but I was unable to insert a catheter into my bladder. The unflappable hotel staff directed me and The Wife to hospital where I was diagnosed with a UTI and […]
Negotiations with the NHS after a UTI

Within 3 hours of arriving in Seville on 14 Feb I was in a hospital because of a UTI, a nasty bacterial infection. An indwelling catheter was inserted into my bladder; a 6 inch piece of rubber tubing hanging off the end of my willy, it was no fun. A simple rubber bung jammed into […]
Five fly to Seville and I got myself a UTI

Five of us fly to Seville for a five day holiday on Valentines day. The Ryanair flight left Stansted airport at 6.40 in the morning. It’s a 3 hour flight and it takes an hour to drive there. It was going to be a long day but at least I had a little nap during […]
Call it advanced multiple sclerosis

Soon I’m going to be 64 so not quite as nimble as I was. Age doesn’t stop me having a social life. I go to the theatre and museums in London. Meet friends in one of the numerous coffee shops in our town. I go to the supermarket, buy the food and then cook dinner. […]
Is liberation and freedom just a Botox away?

On Wednesday 1st Feb I went to Queens Square to receive Botulinium Toxin or Botox injections into my bladder. I had wanted the injections for over two years. Life with a badly behaved as well as irritable bladder is no joke. I had learnt a lot of techniques to make life with this handicap easier. […]
MSitis and the story of the forgotten catheters

Saturday 7 January 2017 and five of us go up to London to see The Dresser, a play starring Tom Stott and Reece Shearsmith showing at The Duke of York theatre. It was a great production, loved it but not so keen on the disabled loo in the theatre. Horribly cramped, in fact not enough […]
My Badly Behaved Bladder

Sometimes you just want your MS problems to go away. I know the severity is different for everyone but there are times when the niggles just get to be too much. My badly behaved bladder has been around for over 35 years. Slightly longer than I have been married. My badly behaved bladder Its not […]
Catheters for Intermittant Self-Catheterisation

I have used catheters for intermittant self cathetetisation since 2006 and used Coloplast for many years. Coloplast catheters I started by using the Coloplast 14 inch catheter; this was fine for use in the house but potentially embarrassing when out and about. At work, for example, how do you carry something into a loo that […]
Should I Have Suprapubic Catheter

A friend has been urging me to stop intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC) and use a suprapubic catheter. Her argument being that it is not a good idea to be inserting a catheter into your bladder several times a day. She is worried about infections and damage to the bladder. She says everything is more stable and less […]
Story of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Here is a diary of a sorry story that happened to me. This sequence of events in 2014 because of problems inserting a catheter and could easily happen to any person with multiple sclerosis who does intermittent self-catheterisation. A brief summary of the events over the last 3 weeks I was an emergency admission to […]
Emergency visit to Stoke Mandeville

2013 has not been a good year for me so far. This time an emergency trip to Stoke Mandeville hospital in the early hours of Wednesday morning, 20th Feb. So what happened to get me there? On Tuesday evening Barby and I went out for a curry with some friends. Just before we left the […]