Kymco Mini Comfort Compact Mobility Scooter

Kymco Mini Comfort Compact Mobility Scooter

Kymco Mini Comfort Compact Mobility Scooter

I hired a Kymco Mini Comfort mobility scooter while my wonderful Travelscoot has some essential maintenance in Germany. Wow, what a difference. Riding each one is very different and calls for different skills. The Kymco Mini Comfort Compact Mobility Scooter is a centurion tank of small compact mobility scooters.

Do I need a disabled label?

As soon as I sit on the seat I immediately imagine the label disabled person appearing on my forehead. My immediate feelings are: I am conspicuous, possibly a rookie and I’m definitely a disabled person. It’s a clunky chunky mobility scooter. Everything visible is plastic and looks brittle.

There is a lever that I pull towards the steering column to make it move forwards or backwards. As soon as I take my finger off the lever the brakes are applied and it stops quite rapidly. There is a knob, also on the steering column, that controls maximum speed. When I reverse there is a loud repeated bleeping sound.

Turning circle

It has a 3 metre turning circle; there aren’t many pavements that wide. I have taken it into the shops where there is not enough space to turn it around. The solution is simple. I must very carefully navigate my way out backwards; meanwhile the bleeping sound warns everyone their ankles are in danger The scooter is okay in shops with wide aisles such as supermarkets. We won’t discuss the weight or putting it into a car except it’s not good news.

Some good points

Its narrow and will pass through the average door but it cannot be used inside the house. I would not risk taking it onto a bus in our local area. I did take it onto a commuter train using the disability ramps but parking it into an accessible spot was very difficult.

A clunky chunky mobility scooter

It must be obvious that I cannot find much to commend.  It is certainly stable, 4 wheels with a very low centre of gravity. No chance of a wheely or handbrake turn. Its designed for someone who wants to feel safe and secure.

Compared to a Travelscoot

A Kymco Mini Comfort mobility scooter is definitely a second class citizen. It is very stable but any other requirements of disabled people were discarded or ignored. There is a small plastic basket hooked onto the steering column which is almost impossible to reach. Where do I store a walking stick?

Return of the Kymco

My nifty elegant Travelscoot mobility scooter is back in our house. The clunky chunky Kymco mobility scooter has left the house for good.

My expectations of a mobility scooter to use around town have been spoilt by the Travelscoot. It does have a high centre of gravity so corners and rough pavements must be negotiated with care. On the other hand it is fun to ride, beautifully designed, and does not label me as a disabled person.

I’m definitely a Travelscoot fan after using a Kymco Mini Comfort mobility scooter for a month.

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6 responses to “Kymco Mini Comfort Compact Mobility Scooter”

  1. Graham Cartwright says:

    I have a Kymco mini comfort mobility scooter and it can go on a bus but you have to go for a short test just to show you can board a bus and depart the bus safely. Also I have been on a train. It is a good get around scooter.

  2. Jane Cant says:

    Thanks Patrick. I too love my Travelscoot it’s light easy to manoeuvre etc but it is unstable and have had a few falls from from it. Even been blown over on it on a cliff in Devon by a rather strong gust!
    I don t know why it feels so much better to ride out on than other scooters but when I am out on it I usually get stopped by someone admiring it.

  3. Joanne says:

    It is so important to find the machine that suits you and your lifestyle.
    I also love my Travelscoot but agree it does have limitations.
    So when I need a slightly more sturdy machine my Litech air is better.
    Both are light and can fit in a boot (although Travelscoot can be lifted more easily).
    For example when I am not feeling so good or if its a longer day then the more traditional style scooter has a more comfortable, supportive chair.
    Plus the (4) wheels are slightly larger so it copes better on uneven pavements, grass etc.
    But dropped curbs, unexpected steps and bulky door thresholds are still the enemy!
    Despite the fact that mine has had 4 repairs (probably because I take it “off road”, over cobble stones, gravel tracks etc) I still love it.
    Its like having to have different footwear for different occasions – wellies, trainers, sandals etc.
    I am very lucky to have been able to afford both machines as neither is cheap but both are so useful in their won way and between them make my life so much better – another example of how becoming disabled costs so much money!

  4. Amanda Oyevaar says:

    I read this with interest. I ended up not buying the travelscoot, mostly because of the 3 wheel aspect and that I live in a place that does not have reliable pavements etc.
    I did end up with a great, compact 4 wheeler from Heartway. The s19 ( This folds, is easy to transport and has a very small turning circle so I find it easy to navigate shops, pavements, home etc. The travelscoot looks great but for now this is a perfect alternative for me. I just wanted to share that.

    • Hello Amanda,

      I looked at the website and it is certainly an interesting alternative. Is it only available from Taiwan or are there UK distributors?

      I admit there are shortcomings with the Travelscoot, high centre of gravity and small wheels being the two major ones. Size, weight and design are big pluses. The caddy that sits in the ‘A-frame’ is invaluable. It certainly meets my requirements

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