Simple things I now need to understand

Simple things I now need to understand
A few years ago I kidded myself that I could still do the things just like I did in the noughties. Simple things I now need to understand.
“Don’t worry, I can do it” I shouted enthusiastically as I was starting jobs like cooking supper. It would all begin swimmingly. Suddenly, out of the blue, I would lose my balance, lurch and fall over or bounce off a wall. I could not co-ordinate my legs. My batteries had run out of energy.
“Help, I need someone to come and help me”. This was invariably an urgent plea for help. Invariably simple things I now need to understand.
Simple things I now need to understand
Over the years I have realised there are a few things I do need to know. Sadly it has taken me many years to learn them. Firstly the ability to pace myself and second is the knowledge that someone will help me before I reach crisis point. I will be the first to admit that I have had to learn both lessons the hard way.
Take basic precautions
Gone are the days when I could leave everything to the last minute. If I tried that now a disaster would follow. These days even some simple tasks are much better done by someone else, such as carrying a cup of coffee upstairs.
It feels wrong to me, admitting to my weaknesses, but in the long run it is much better that I do take basic precautions. I have a progressive physical disability and its never going to get better so I must face up to these problems. I always huff, puff and sigh loudly when I sense defeat and realise that I must ask for help.
If I ignore the warning signs
Its really quite simple. I just run out of puff. When I do too much then my double vision kicks in, my balance deteriorates and everything becomes much more difficult. I do think this is MS-fatigue but it does not suddenly kick in it just gradually catches up with me.
This Christmas 2018
It all came to a climax this Christmas. I really did feel like the ninth tentacle of an octopus. I can cope when it’s just The Wife and me. Now add a Vegan, another really fussy eater, 7 Kg Turkey and three types of stuffing. I was struggling and it was obvious I had to hand the responsibilities over to someone else.
“Dad, we can manage so just go and sit down”. I did as I was told by my daughters but I felt quite smug when they had to ask me simple questions.
“How long do I parboil the potatoes before roasting them”?
“Should I put any stuffing inside the turkey”?
I didn’t mock them when they asked me these simple questions because I had asked someone else the same. Somehow we all managed to pull in the same direction at the same time. The Christmas meal 2018 was a real team effort and it tasted brilliant.
Even now there are simple things I need to understand to be successful and happy.
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